Well, since I'm snowed in....
I figured I'd FINALLY get back to this Liebster Award Post that I was supposed to write back in July 2013!!
The Liebster Award is an award for new blogs. Liebster is a German word that means: BELOVED, CUTE, LOVELY, DEAREST, & WELCOME!
I thought I would hop on and accept since it was so kind of Katie to nominate me. She has a resource position, and some GREAT ideas. I love that I've found someone with a similar position to my own, so I really hope to gain alot of insight from her in the future! You can find her blog by clicking on her button below:
Here are the rules of accepting the nomination-
To accept the nomination I must:
1. Link back to the blog that nominated me
2. Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers
3. Answer the questions posted for me by my nominator (Katie)
4. Share 11 random facts about myself
5. Create 11 questions for my nominees
6. Contact my nominees and let them know that I nominated them
**The Nominees**
- Butterflying through Teaching

Miss B. has a cute little blog and NEEDS to be recognized for it! She's got alot of great posts, too, so go and check her out!!
- The Land of I Can

Heather, from The Land of I Can, is a Kindergarten teacher who has been blogging for about a year now, but I've only just found her. She has a CUTE blog, and a bazillion awesome posts that I can't wait to explore in the near future.
- Teachers Are Terrific

Carol, from Teachers Are Terrific, has a wonderful blog with tons of rich posts! Her blog has been active for a couple of years, but she is new to me. She has lots of experience in 3rd & 5th grade, and has just recently switched to a STEM Lab teacher (which must be amazing!) I can't wait to catch up on some of her posts, and continue to follow her in the future!
- A Classroom Full of Smiles
I found Mary through DoodleBugsTeaching's most recent Five for Friday! I was instantly drawn to her cute button, and I cannot wait to see what she has to offer, and follow her in the future.
- Last, but not least:

Elyse, from
Proud To Be Primary, caught my eye with her cute button (I'm a total sucker for chevron as well as pastel colors). She is an amazing blogger from Canada, and she has been around since 2013. I can't wait to explore her amazing posts as well as the others!
11 Questions I need to answer from Katie:
1. What was the first teacher blog that you read/followed?
I honestly can't remember, because I got into blogging almost all at once. However, there is one blogger that stands out in my memory more than the others, and it makes me SO sad that I can't remember. But I'm pretty sure that I read all about her room set-up. I had stumbled upon her one day, and she was the first blogger to really suck me in and captivate my interest. I didn't pay any attention to it then, but began reading blogs when I found out about Pintrest much later. I've looked for her since, but for the life of me, I cannot find that blog. Believe me, I've tried, and I'm still looking for that blogger out there!! It makes me so frustrated, so I'll seriously have to update this when I find her!
2. What is your favorite lesson to teach your students?
Eeeeek, I really don't have one favorite. I feel like I never teach anything twice. If I do, it's so differentiated or vamped up from the first trial, that it's completely different! Last year, with my K-2nd self-contained students, I really got into Calendar, and it was definitely my favorite time of the day. This year, I have really found to like teaching social skills. And Andrea Cardenas has been an awesome resource that really makes social skills lessons FUN!
Check out her blog HERE!
3. What are your top 5 school supplies?
*Post-it notes (the larger size-with lines!!)
*Colored Pens
*Paper trimmer
4. Favorite 3 classroom apps (if any)?Now, I had an iPad in my classroom last year, but I no longer have one, since I had to turn it in when I moved :(. However, it was used as an independent work station during our daily rotation (we had a 3:5 student/teacher ratio, so if they were not learning Reading, Math, or Spelling with a teacher, they were either at the computer, workstations, puzzles, listening center, or iPad.) and these are some of my favorites that I downloaded for them. Once they got to the iPad station, I usually opened up some program that I wanted them to practice on for a set amount of time. When the timer went off, they are allowed to choose their own activity.
* Agnitus


*ABC Phonics
5. If you have a TPT store what is your favorite product of yours? If not what is your favorite product you have found?I have not set up my own TPT store for my own products -YET. I definitely have plans to, though! Therefore, I'll have to rave about an amazing product I have found. And this is very difficult, as favorites are difficult for me anyways.
6. What has been your biggest challenge as a teacher?
Time Management. Always been a weakness.... *sigh*
7. Funniest thing you have had happen while teaching?
It's so hard to remember everything! But last week, it cracked me up when a child called me "Mommy!" That's always fun.
8. If you could have anything for your classroom what would it be?
An iPad... *sigh*... I had one last year, but had to give it back when I moved to ATL. I was really dreading that day, and I still miss it :( ....Next year, I am going to write a grant for one :)
9. Favorite "Professional Development"/teacher book?
Number Talks by Sherry Parrish. No doubt! She is amazing. I've known about the Number Talks program since I worked at my last school, and I've never implemented it, but I'm always fascinated to learn about it (that's the mathematician in me). Last week, she even got to come to our school and demonstrate a # Talks session for us! It was amazing. She did one session for each grade level, and so we got to observe in groups. After the session, she met with us in our professional learning room for a Q & A session. It was so exciting to have that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
*Click on the picture to order!
10. Favorite picture book?
It's so cute! The first time I read it, I thought it was the best picture book ever! Of course, I have a million favorites, but I don't think I've ever read a children's book that made me laugh so hard! :) *Click on the picture to order!
11. What is one thing on your bucket list you want to complete before summer is over?Well, it's funny since it was still summer when I was nominated! However, my summer was too crazy for me to answer back then. I could make a list of all of the things that I did wish to complete before summer ended, or the things that I actually did accomplish before summer ended, but seriously! That will have to go in a separate post!
11 Things About Me:
1. I am extremely indecisive when choosing Favorites. Decisions can be difficult any time, but I'm always none for having 1,000 favorites. And they change all the time. One day, there will be a post highlighting any lines that say: "It's my favorite!"
2. I just got married on July 21, 2013 (yes, it still feels like yesterday) to the amazing love of my life, and I FINALLY feel like I'm used to my new married name (took long enough!)
3. I LOVE shopping. It makes me the happiest person in the world. Mostly I love to shop for clothes, or shop online, and most of all, I REALLY love house hunting. There's nothing like finding your dream house :)
4. I LOVE to be lazy. Lazy weekend and summer days on the couch with my laptop are the best :)
5. I also love searching the web. Mostly on Pinterest. (hehe)
6. We have two dogs. Sasha and Milly. They are cute, and amazing additions to our little family. I couldn't imagine any other pets more perfect for us!
7. I am from Alpharetta, GA. A small rural town grown to a national favorite. It was small when my parents built our house there in the 80's. But now, not so much. Traffic is one of the main reasons why I decided to move as far away as possible for college.
8. And speaking of traffic.... I hate traffic! I know everyone does, but I learned how to drive in the suburban mess of roadwork traffic, and I got spoiled living out in the country for 7 years. And every time it hits me, the road rage comes back. I'm very fortunate to live 2.2 miles from work this year. And even then it drives me BONKERS every time I have to sit at the main traffic light for more than one rotation (I mean, come on. The ONE light will DOUBLE my commute time. No kidding.)
9. I like to think I have a gift with working with students who have Autism Spectrum Disorders. I've had a passion for the field ever since I first heard the word "Autism" and learned about it in high school. Definitely found my true calling.
10. I was born on Flag Day. Noone knows what that is until they meet me, but it's on the calendar. Look it up :)
11. I'm a middle child of two boys, I have 3 new sister-in-laws, and I love big families. I can't wait to start a new one of my own one day :).
11 Questions for the NEW nominees:
1. When did you first realize you were going to be a teacher?
2. What got you into blogging?
3. How many amazing years of teaching experience do you have?
4. What is your favorite grade level and subject area to teach?
5. What is one thing you like most about your school or district?
6. What are your top 3 must-have teaching supplies that get you through the day?
7. What is ONE huge thing that you wish legislators knew that could benefit the field of education?
8. What is the most beneficial professional learning/workshop/conference that you have ever attended?
9. Do you have a top blogger that you love following the best? (If you can't choose just 1, list up to your 5 favorites)
10. What is your favorite technology educational tool (website, app, etc.)? (If you can't choose just 1, list up to 5)
11. List one bit of "Chicken Soup" that gets you through when times are tough.
Head over and check out all these wonderful blogs!! I REALLY can't wait to read everyone's responses.
~Sarah :)