I have to say, I think Teacher Appreciation Week is my favorite week of all. Our PTA is amazing, and they go ALL out every year with a theme.
This year is the best one yet.
So our PTA decorated the whole lobby and main hallway to our cafeteria. I'm actually frustrated that I didn't get a picture, but there was even a yellow brick road!!!
The rainbow with our sweet and amazing music teacher posing in front of it :) |
The Yellow Brick Road Bulletin Board (the kids wrote sweet messages about the teachers and sent them in). |
The doors to our media center!! |
I'm on the top row (second from the left) |
For the rainbow bulletin boards, the PTA staff posted a picture of each staff member. Underneath staff members got to send in their answer to the survey question. As you can see, not all of us participated in that part.
(The question was: The Tin Man asked for a heart, the Scarecrow asked for brains, and the lion asked for courage. What would you ask the Wonderful Wizard of Oz for?)
This is the entrance to the cafeteria, which was decorated with flying monkeys, and The Wicked Witch of the East's belongings on the right. |
Our PTA asks our sponsors to donate raffle prizes for the school staff. Not everybody wins one, but today was my lucky day!! |
I just love how our PTA organizes something special for each day of the week - and my favorite part: The invitation to Emerald City on Wednesday! |
As I said before, I love teacher appreciation week. I'm so thankful everyday for the amazing school that I work with. I love the staff, the students, and the parents are amazing. It makes the stress of a job so much more worth all the hard work! I can't thank our school PTA enough for making us feel so special! They put a lot of time and hard work into making us smile and feel appreciated this week! :)
As my token of appreciation, YOU all get 20% off anything you purchase in my store this week. Call it an early St. Patty's Day gift, if you will. Enjoy, and have a great week!
Click the picture to go straight to my store! |
Happy Monday,
Happy Early St. Patrick's Day, and
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!!