*WARNING* Mostly, this is just about my excitement for my wedding, so if you don't want to hear (Read) it, I understand if you completely skip over it. Sorry, but it's all I can think about lately!!

~Currently listening to Pandora on my phone. This year, my love got me a Bluetooth Bose Speaker for my birthday, and IT.IS.AWESOME!! It is SO much clearer than my phone, and it actually has a pretty good battery life! Anyways, my favorite thing to listen to {lately} is oldies. I added a 60's-80's music station on my Pandora, and I LOVE IT! Of course, it's all GREAT stuff that takes me back to my childhood (yes, it's all my dad let me listen to growing up!) and it puts me in the mood even more for the wedding.
~This past weekend was a weekend FULL OF LOVE! We went to New York to visit my love's mother and family (he was born and raised in Albany). She threw us a wedding celebration (not shower) to celebrate for all the relatives who aren't coming out to Mexico for the wedding. We got to visit with a bunch of people that we rarely see (which is always great!), and I got quality bonding time with two of my three soon-to-be sister-in-laws, one soon-to-be brother-in-law, and two soon-to-be nephews! I get along really well with my soon-to-be mother-in-law, and I feel like I couldn't have picked a better family to marry into! It also makes me happy to be gaining 3 sisters, since I grew up with 2 boys my whole life :/ ...Either way, it was a great weekend, awesome party, great weather (until we got rained on), and I can honestly and truly say that I LOVE MY NEW FAMILY!! I know I'll get to see the immediate family in 2 and a half weeks, but I still just wish I had more time with them this weekend! :(
~HOLY MOLY! My name is changing in 20 days! It's definitely going to be an adjustment after living with a particular name for 25 years, and teaching as "Ms. Austin" for the past 3. I even talk about myself in third person with the kids!! This is going to be so difficult. But I can't wait :D.... Actually, I have been excited about changing my name since I was little (I hated the name Austin!) and I LOVE my new last name. The *CRAZIEST* part is that pre-planning for new teachers in the county starts while we will be in the middle of our honeymoon (I'm missing three days ...whooops), so we literally get back from our trip on a Sunday, and BOOM!! Monday I walk into work at 8am as a NEW PERSON! It's going to be CRAZY! I'm going to meet SO MANY new people and say: "Hi, I'm Sarah
~I have several gift cards that I need to use up at the mall (Call me crazy, but I literally have not had TIME to go shopping since before my birthday)...and I can't wait to buy new stuff for the trip! I need some new dresses and bikinis! {But who doesn't?} Besides, all of this house-hunting and down-payment-saving makes it hard to go splurge money right now. So now that I have some b-day gifts to spend, I can go shopping without spending any of my own! :D
~Well, I have a long list of to-do's for the wedding. And I was supposed to do them today, but I didn't have time to get to about 70% of my list! EEK! On my list of things I need to do is: Order bridal party gifts, order wedding guest favors (I'm doing sunglasses to do that cute thing off of Pinterest where it says: "DON'T BE BLINDED BY OUR LOVE! TAKE SOME SHADES! 8-)"), and I also need to finish the centerpieces (I made one last week, and will post about it soon!) make some table number signs and place cards. I was going to order them off VistaPrint, and decided it would be cheaper to make my own, so I went to Walmart last week, and stocked up on cardstock. So now I just have to create a template that I like, and get-r-done!
*MY NEW RULE* (Not sure if it works as a tip, or a trick, OR even a hint, but maybe you can take this as a reminder when work gets over-out-of-control)
~ People always tell me not to waste my time re-creating the wheel. That's why I've become SO fascinated with the amazing Super-Teacher-Bloggers out there (that's what I consider you all to be, anyways) and all of the products that come up on TeachersPayTeachers. It actually came in really handy last year when the second grade team was clueless to some of the new common core standards, and I told them all about TPT. It saved EVERYBODY time, because there are such excellent resources out there, and they didn't have to completely start from scratch to create their own lessons. However, (although I am usually able to find most of what I need on TPT) I still take alot of resources from school and modify them to fit my students needs (don't we all) and I always get yelled at by the Mister at home for "working too hard." So therefore, I'm allowing myself *One Teeny Exception* ... I'll recreate my school resources if their's aren't cute enough. ;) ...Besides. I never usually have time for all that cutesy stuff. The only thing I usually do is create checklists for particular material. And hey, that's pretty time consuming alone!
Go check out Farley's blog post HERE to see what everyone else is Currently thinking this July! And have a wonderful July 4th, everyone!
Alrighty, teacher friends! Next time I join in on the Currently Linky Party, I WILL BE A KRAMER. And a super-busy-one with hopefully a new house, new job, new school, and new name. Whew that's a bit much to think about at once! Maybe I should just focus on tomorrow?! I'll be back again soon!
PS: Happy Canada Day, for whoever's Canadian! The only reason why I know it's Canada is because my dad called me from there today! ...And he told me... HA!